My name is Rodney James Sharp. I've been told on several occasions that I have a black name, which makes me wonder if that's why my college kept inviting me to participate in all their diversity events. I'm pretty sure I checked the box marked "prefer not to disclose". But a names doesn't define a person. What a person does with that name... well that's a different story entirely.
As of today I'm a level 28 Ranger/Monk. I get paid to fix aircraft, especially helicopters. I live by myself in Southern Oregon with my pet turtle Herman. He's a total badass, but he can be pretty cranky sometimes, and I think he gets really lonely too. I can't be entirely sure because he doesn't like to talk about it. or much of anything for that matter. He's also a violent eater. When most people first meet me they think I am just weird and a little creepy, which is probably true.
I spend most my spare time playing video games, building/fixing something in my garage, or building something in my craft/sewing room. That's right I have a craft room, and I sew (sometimes). Despite how few pictures of men show up when you google 'sewing' I'd like to point out that I don't much care for stereotypes, and I'm certainly not going to let them stop me from enjoying something or even being good at it. I love outer space and I stare at it regularly. I invent things. Practical things that don't work yet. I think about physics and energy A LOT. Fluid dynamics are my favorite subject and/or conversation piece, but I really want to get better understanding of thermodynamics too. Also I love to cook, but I don't very often because I don't like cooking just me.
This blog is likely to become and incredibly random and unusual, but that's what happens when someone like me decides to blog. But I'm mostly doing the whole blogging thing for meine family. so they can keep tabs on me without actually being able to tell what I am and am not allowed to do. :p
P.S. As they say in John Green's home town: Don't forget to be awesome!
I don't like cooking just you either. He he he. :) Love the blog.